Works : Retail & Mixed-use

The retail sector continues to undergo rapid change, and one of the key challenges of designing retail buildings is the ability to respond to these changes and the needs of the increasingly sophisticated consumer. Our broad portfolio of projects in the retail sector ranges from standalone buildings to complex mixed-use projects, with the integration shopping into the existing urban fabric a key theme throughout our designs. Our retail projects deliver high quality and innovative buildings, understanding the needs of our diverse clients about design quality adding value to the communities and clients we work with.

We understand the challenges of the dynamic retail environment, and create flexible spaces for changing business and customer needs. We create masterplans and deliver retail architecture to maximise your economic return. Our practical designs save operational expenses, while increasing value for owners.

Vima Complex

Beyond the Ordinary

“Mille Sapori” Bistro

Where every flavour tells a story

“The Yard”: Tree & Coffee

Full of plants and vibes

“The Pedestal” Complex

Where the city is your backyard